General – Appointment
Last Friday morning, Ørsted announced that Mads Nipper is no longer CEO.
[Read more…] about Rasmus Errboe replacing Mads Nipper as CEO ØrstedGLOBAL NEWS SERVICE FOR THE FOSSIL AND RENEWABLE ENERGY COMMUNITIES
Last Friday morning, Ørsted announced that Mads Nipper is no longer CEO.
[Read more…] about Rasmus Errboe replacing Mads Nipper as CEO Ørsted
MODEC and Toyo Engineering have jointly obtained an Approval in Principle (AiP) from the American Bureau of Shipping for a Blue Ammonia FPSO.
[Read more…] about MODEC obtained AiP for Blue Ammonia FPSO
Ørsted and PGE have taken the final investment decision (FID) on the 1.5 GW Baltica 2 Offshore Wind Farm.
[Read more…] about Ørsted and PGE take final investment decision on Baltica 2 OWF
Last week CNOOD-Wenchong Heavy Industries (CWHI) held a special ceremony at its Qinzhou shipyard in China marking the start of cutting and rolling as part of the manufacture of monopiles for the Inch Cape offshore wind farm in the UK.
[Read more…] about CWHI begins manufacturing XXL monopiles for Inch Cape project
Earlier this week RWE celebrated the construction kick-off for OranjeWind, its first offshore wind project in the Netherlands, built in partnership with TotalEnergies.
[Read more…] about Full speed ahead for OranjeWind
In a LinkedIn post BlueFloat Energy today announced that the wind developer together with Nadara Partnership has commissioned a pioneering study to Sarens PSG on the assembly, load-out, and deployment of floating wind turbines in the North Sea at an industrial scale.
[Read more…] about Collaboration for major Floating Wind Turbine Assembly Study
Saipem’s Hydrone-R underwater intervention drone at the Njord field in the Norwegian Sea broke its world record for longest subsea residency by almost 80 days, according to a Jan. 28 LinkedIn post by Hege Skryseth, Equinor’s executive vice president.
[Read more…] about Saipem and Equinor complete record-breaking autonomous mission
The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie; BSH) has marked two areas, N-10.1 and N-10.2, as suitable for the construction and operation of offshore wind farms.
[Read more…] about Germany marks two areas as suitable for 2.5 GW Offshore Wind
Asso.subsea announced the contract signing for the construction of a groundbreaking new DP-2 Cable Laying Vessel, Althea.
[Read more…] about signs contract for building cable laying vessel
DEME, in partnership with TERELIAN, part of the VINCI group, has secured a contract to boost Le Havre’s Port 2000 connectivity and operational capacity.
[Read more…] about DEME builds access channel linking Le Havre with Seine River