Fossil Energy – Decommissioning
Well-Safe Solutions was awarded two new contracts totaling $25 million for well decommissioning activity in the UK Continental Shelf for Spirit Energy and an additional global operator using the Well-Safe Protector jack up and Well-Safe Defender semisubmersible.

Spirit Energy selected the Well-Safe Protector to decommission five wells on the York platform, located in Block 47/03a of the Southern North Sea over 97 days. The Well-Safe Defender previously decommissioned 15 subsea wells in the Trees, Chestnut and Appleton fields in just 11 months with 99.2% rig uptime, concluding work in March 2024.
The firm scope is planned to commence 2Q25 and will be performed in conjunction with the Well-Safe Protector’s current contract, with the two optional subsea wells to be decommissioned in direct continuation or deferred until a later date.
In a separate agreement, the Well-Safe Defender will carry out a well decommissioning campaign on at least two subsea wells in the North Sea for a second unnamed client, beginning in March 2025 and lasting for 75 days, in direct continuation with the rig’s current contract.
This contract contains two optional subsea wells which may be added in direct continuation with the firm scope in 2025, plus a further three subsea wells to be executed during 2026.