Fossil Energy – Decommissioning
Woodside Energy has safely and successfully removed the decommissioned Nganhurra Riser Turret Mooring (RTM) from a location approximately 38 km north of the North West Cape, Western Australia.

In a world-first, the heavy lift vessel Aegir, with three supporting tugs, lifted the 2,500 tonne, 83m long RTM onto a 120m barge for transport to the Australian Marine Complex (AMC).
After it’s unloaded at AMC, the Nganhurra RTM will be cleaned of marine growth and deconstructed for recycling and reuse opportunities, supporting local employment and contracting opportunities. More than 95% of the Nganhurra RTM will be recycled or re-used.
Woodside explored a number of concepts for decommissioning the Nganhurra RTM before selecting the current concept, which has been matured through more than two years of careful planning and detailed engineering, undertaken in conjunction with a range of specialist contractors.