Fossil Energy – Brazil
The platform-vessel FPSO Sepetiba arrived in Brazil on Friday (8/9) from China.

It will now be undergoing various legal and technical procedures before it is taken to the Mero field, in the Libra section of the pre-salt layer of the Santos basin
The FPSO is able to produce up to 180 thousand barrels of oil a day and 12 million cubic meters of gas. It is expected to begin production in the fourth quarter of this year.
The platform was delivered to Petrobras by SBM, who were also responsible for building it. It will be the second FPSO to be installed in the Mero field, the third largest by volume of oil in place (VOIP), out of a total of four systems. The four units together will have the capacity to produce up to 720 thousand barrels of oil per day.