Wind Energy – BorWin5
Dutch steel manufacturer Sif has received an order from Dragados Offshore to produce the jacket piles for the BorWin5 HVDC offshore converter station in the German North Sea.

Sif will produce 14 piles in total for the BorWin5 offshore converter station jacket.
The piles will have a max length of 62 meter and weigh around 4,000 tons together.
The offshore converter station is part of the approximately 230 kilometres long 900 MW BorWin5 grid connection that will transport the generated energy by the He Dreiht offshore wind farm, operated by EnBW, into the German grid. Dragados Offshore, in consortium with Siemens, were awarded the contract to develop, build and deliver the HVDC converter platform in August 2020. The completion date is 2025.
BorWin5 is the 15th offshore grid connection system implemented by TenneT in the German North Sea and is the fourth project that TenneT is implementing off the coast of Borkum using extra-high voltage direct current transmission technology, in addition to the BorWin1, BorWin2 and BorWin3 projects.