Fossil Energy – Suspension
Valeura Energy announced the suspension of production at its 100% owned Wassana field, offshore Gulf of Thailand.
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Valeura Energy announced the suspension of production at its 100% owned Wassana field, offshore Gulf of Thailand.
[Read more…] about Precautionary suspension of Wassana Production
Equinor and Polenergia have signed reservation agreements with the consortium of Sif and Smulders for the manufacturing of 100 transition pieces (TPs) for the Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III offshore wind projects in Poland.
[Read more…] about Transition pieces for two Polish projects
GEOxyz unveils the addition of three new vessels into its fleet, bringing the total fleet count to 30.
[Read more…] about GEOxyz expands fleet with 3 vessels
The Rui-Li Phase 1 Floating Offshore Wind Project announced that GF Corporation, a renowned Japanese company, has become one of the key strategic partners in this transformative initiative.
[Read more…] about Rui-Li 1 OWP announces strategic partnership with GF Corp
Offshore drilling contractor Transocean has secured another contract extension for its Deepwater Asgard drillship with Hess Corporation for work in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.
[Read more…] about Transocean’s Deepwater Asgard on extended stay in GoM
TotalEnergies has signed an agreement to sell to the Prax Group its entire interest in West of Shetland assets in the United Kingdom, which includes six offshore gas fields, the onshore Shetland Gas Plant and nearby exploration licenses.
[Read more…] about TotalEnergies sells West of Shetland assets, including six gas fields
Hai Long Offshore Wind Project and CSBC jointly held the Pin Pile Project Completion Ceremony on June 27.
[Read more…] about CSBC delivers 63 pin piles for Hai-Long OWP
As from 1st July Rob Bakker wilI be heading Van Oord Energy’s Windturbine and Foundation installation Operations with our jack-up installation vessels Aeolus and (future) Boreas.
[Read more…] about New appointments at Van Oord
Deep Wind Offshore stands out as the winner of a GW size site in the Baltic Sea.
[Read more…] about Deep Wind Offshore wins major site in Estonia
Acta Marine announced its expansion into the French maritime and offshore energy market.
[Read more…] about New build vessel Acta Pegasus to be delivered under French flag