Wind Energy – France
Installation operations on the Offshore Wind Farm on the Iles d’Yeu and Noirmoutier Islands are continuing with significant progress:
[Read more…] about Progress of the OWF on the Iles d’Yeu and NoirmoutierGLOBAL NEWS SERVICE FOR THE FOSSIL AND RENEWABLE ENERGY COMMUNITIES
Installation operations on the Offshore Wind Farm on the Iles d’Yeu and Noirmoutier Islands are continuing with significant progress:
[Read more…] about Progress of the OWF on the Iles d’Yeu and Noirmoutier
Van Oord’s new offshore installation vessel Boreas has commenced with sea trials during excellent weather conditions.
[Read more…] about Sea trials for Van Oord’s Boreas
Subsea7 announced that ScottishPower Renewables has awarded Seaway7 a contract for transporting and installing the inter-array cables of the East Anglia TWO offshore wind project.
[Read more…] about Seaway7 awarded offshore wind contract in UK
Cadeler today announces the signing of firm contracts for the transportation and installation of 64 x 15MW offshore wind turbine generators (WTGs) as well as the foundations for the East Anglia TWO Offshore Wind Farm.
[Read more…] about Cadeler signs firm contracts for East Anglia TWO
Subsea 7 announced the award to Seaway7 of a contract by Ørsted for transporting and installing the inter-array cables of the Hornsea 3 offshore wind project located in the UK sector of the North Sea.
[Read more…] about Seaway7 awarded offshore wind contract in UK
On or about October 28, 2024, the vessel ORION will begin installing the remaining Monopile Foundations (MPs) within the Vineyard Wind 1 Wind Development Area (WDA).
[Read more…] about Monopile and transition piece installation Vineyard Wind 1
Skyborn Renewables has completed installation of all 80 turbines of the 640MW Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm.
[Read more…] about All 80 turbines installed at Yunlin OWF
Iberdrola and Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) have completed the installation of all 50 wind turbines at the 476 MW Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm in the German Baltic Sea.
[Read more…] about Iberdrola and Masdar install all 50 Turbines at Baltic Eagle
Havfram has signed a reservation agreement with an undisclosed client for turbine installation, using one of its newly built jack-up vessels.
[Read more…] about Another Vessel Reservation Agreement for Havfram
Cadeler has signed firm contracts with the offshore wind farms Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3, both being joint venture projects owned 50% by Equinor and 50% by Polenergia.
[Read more…] about Cadeler signs firm contracts with Equinor and Polenergia