General – EC Approval
The EC has given the green light for EEW Holding and Sumitomo to acquire joint control of EEW Offshore Wind EU under the EU Merger Regulation.
[Read more…] about EC approves EEW Offshore Wind EU acquisition by EEW and SumitomoGLOBAL NEWS SERVICE FOR THE FOSSIL AND RENEWABLE ENERGY COMMUNITIES
The EC has given the green light for EEW Holding and Sumitomo to acquire joint control of EEW Offshore Wind EU under the EU Merger Regulation.
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Nova Innovation has won European Union funding for a 4MW tidal energy farm that will be home to the largest number of tidal turbines anywhere in the world.
[Read more…] about Nova consortium wins €20 million to install 16-turbine Orkney project
Following the publication of the 2022 CEF Energy call for preparatory studies for cross-border renewable energy projects, one project has been selected requesting EUR 252.500 of EU funding.
[Read more…] about EU invests in preparatory studies for OWF in Northern Adriatic Sea
ExxonMobil is suing the EU in a bid to force it to scrap the bloc’s new windfall tax on oil groups, arguing Brussels exceeded its legal authority by imposing the levy.
[Read more…] about ExxonMobil sues EU in move to block windfall tax on oil companies
The European Parliament voted on Wednesday (14 December) in favour of faster approval deadlines for new renewable energy installations, paving the way for talks with EU member states to finalise the law next year.
[Read more…] about Parliament backs EU plan to accelerate renewables permitting