Wind Energy – Dieppe Le Treport
DEME’s offshore installation vessel Apollo has completed the pre-piling campaign at the Dieppe – Le Tréport offshore wind farm in France.
[Read more…] about DEME’s Apollo completed pre-piling campaign offshore FranceGLOBAL NEWS SERVICE FOR THE FOSSIL AND RENEWABLE ENERGY COMMUNITIES
DEME’s offshore installation vessel Apollo has completed the pre-piling campaign at the Dieppe – Le Tréport offshore wind farm in France.
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All transition pieces (TPs) have been installed at the 882 MW Moray West offshore wind farm in Scotland, according to a Notice to Mariners issued by Moray Offshore Windfarm (West).
[Read more…] about Apollo installed all TPs at Moray West
Apollo announced the award of a contract from NEO Energy for a Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) study.
[Read more…] about Apollo secures major FEED study from NEO Energy
Engineering company Apollo from Aberdeen announced the award from Celtic Sea Power of the pre-FEED contract for the 400MW Pembrokeshire Demonstration Zone Multi-connection Offshore Substation (PDZ MOS) and 2x 1GW MOS’s targeting The Crown Estate Refined Area of Search (RAoS) A.
[Read more…] about FEED contract PDZ MOS project