Wind Energy – Australia
The Australian Government has made a preliminary decision last year to offer the licence to Novocastrian Wind, a partnership between Equinor and Oceanex Energy, and this has now been finalised.
A final decision has also been taken to offer a feasibility licence in the Southern Ocean zone for the 1.2GW Spinifex offshore wind project being developed by Alinta Energy and Parkwind, which is part of JERA Nex.
Novocastrian Wind will now begin the assessment work needed to determine the feasibility of its project.
The offshore wind project could deliver 2GW of renewable electricity and power more than a million homes.
The feasibility licence stage could last for up to seven years and includes consultation with stakeholders including local community and First Nations groups.
In addition, the developer will have to hold consultations with the fishing industry and take steps taken to avoid, mitigate and offset any impacts on fishing.
Environmental approvals will also need to be sought, and a project management plan will have to be developed.
The project will be located a minimum 22 kilometres off the coast of the Hunter and has the potential to create hundreds of jobs.