General – Interconnector
Yesterday, LionLink interconnector announces Walberswick as the preferred landfall location for the new subsea interconnector between the UK and the Netherlands.
The decision to select Walberswick follows extensive environmental and technical analysis and two community consultations.
Key reasons for this choice include:
• Lower environmental impact: The overall environmental impact of the project will be less at Walberswick. Fewer heritage trees, hedgerows and waterways will be affected by the route.
• Reduced disruption for residents: The shorter route will reduce traffic disruption. By using existing farm tracks for access, local roads can be avoided to minimise the impact on Walberswick.
• Sustainability: Walberswick is less susceptible to coastal erosion and flooding, making it a more sustainable option for the long-term operation of LionLink.
• Shorter onshore cable route: The Walberswick site requires a shorter onshore cable route (19.9 km) compared to the Southwold route (32.8 km). This will reduce the environmental impact and disruption to residents.
LionLink is a vital first step towards an integrated North Sea Grid. It will be the first time that an interconnector links to an offshore wind farm at scale as well as enabling the transfer of energy between the UK and Dutch electricity grids. This means fewer connections from the sea to the land and less impact on coastal communities.
LionLink will bring renewable offshore wind energy to the UK and connect the Dutch and UK energy grids, enhancing the UK’s energy security and lowering household bills. 84% of LionLink’s cable is offshore and all of the onshore cable will be buried underground.
Operation: LionLink expects to be in operation from 2032.