Fossil Energy – Black Sea
Trillion Energy International is preparing to stimulate the Akcakoca-3 and South Akcakoca-2 wells using nitrogen at the SASB gas field in the Turkish sector of the Black Sea.
A gas-lift compressor system contracted for the Akcakoca platform will provide continuous gas-lifting injection to certain wells to support production.
Further planned production boosting measures include installation of a progressive cavity pump in one well, and two slim-hole electric submersible pumps attached to new tubing in two wells.
Last month, Trillion’s team installed new velocity string tubing in two wells located on the Alapli-2 and Bayhanli-2 tripods, having previously inserted new tubing late last year in four wells on the Akcakoca platform.
The smaller tubing size should mitigate water loading conditions.
Although the tripod wells continue to receive nitrogen injections to stimulate production, operations have been set back by bad weather.
After completing the Alapli-2 gas well, the crew mobilized the snubbing unit and anchored the crane barge at the East Ayazli Tripod. Snubbing operations on the Bayhanli-2 gas well began last month, which involved installing 2 3/8-inch velocity string tubing into the gas well.
After successfully running 2,888 m of 2 3/8-inch velocity string tubing, the Bayhanli-2 gas well was officially completed on Jan. 10.