Fossil Energy – LNG Project
bp has begun flowing gas from wells at the GTA Phase1 liquefied natural gas (LNG) project to its floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel for the next stage of commissioning.

GTA, offshore Mauritania and Senegal, is one of the deepest offshore developments in Africa, with gas resources in water depths of up to 2,850 metres.
Once fully commissioned, GTA Phase 1 is expected to produce around 2.3 million tonnes of LNG per year. In 2021, it was declared “a project of strategic national importance” by both host governments.
This announcement marks an important milestone towards realising the potential of Mauritania’s and Senegal’s gas resources, with the possibility for the countries to become an important LNG production hub.
Gas from GTA Phase 1 is being introduced to the GTA FPSO approximately 40 kilometres offshore, where water, condensate and impurities are removed. From there, it will be transferred via pipeline to a floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) vessel located 10 kilometres offshore, where it will be cryogenically cooled, liquefied and stored before being transferred to LNG carriers for export. Some of the gas will be allocated to help meet growing energy demand in the two host countries.