General – Anchors FPSO
Delmar Systems was contracted by Saipem to supply the STEVMANTA vertical load anchors and STEVADJUSTER in-line tensioners for the turret-moored FPSO Firenze at the Baleine field offshore Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa, in 1,015m water depth.
The anchors and ground chains including the STEVADJUSTER’s were pre-installed from the anchor handling vessel Olympic Zeus.
All the STEVMANTA’s were successfully embedded with 165mT bollard pull to break the shear pin and trigger the anchor into its normal loading configuration.
Drag lengths averaged 21m, right in the middle of the predicted range, and estimated burial depth was 16m below mudline.
The FPSO was successfully hooked up to the pre-laid mooring legs. The STEVADJUSTER’s were used in turn to pretension each leg to the target load, this operation typically taking 4 hours on average per leg, using only a single vessel.