General – Green Hydrogen
PosHYdon, the world’s first offshore green hydrogen production received green H2 certificates that can be traded for every kg of H2 produced.

This increases the value of green hydrogen even when it is blended into the gas stream to shore.
As production will start up in Q4 this year on the Q13a-A platform, 13 kilometers off the coast of Scheveningen (The Hague), the first certificate was symbolically handed out today during the onshore test event by VertiCer and HyXchange to Lex de Groot, Managing Director Neptune Energy Netherlands (Eni) on behalf of the Q13a-A partners.
PosHYdon is the first offshore project that is included in this pilot program.
Anna Venema, Policy Adviser VertiCer: “VertiCer is the central point in the Netherlands for the provision of Guarantees of Origin for, among other things, green hydrogen. VertiCer’s certification system guarantees insight into the origin and technology of energy. For a successful transition to a sustainable future, this certification is essential for the producer, end consumer and everyone in between.”
Bert den Ouden, Project Director HyXchange: “The HyXchange initiative aims to catalyze trade in hydrogen, this includes supporting organisations in obtaining the required certificates from the national and European certificate issuing body. Obtaining a green certificate from the certificate issuing body supports the development of the market for green molecules.”
This pilot is being planned via HyXchange. Neptune Energy (Eni) participated before in the HyXchange certification pilot in 2022.