General – Energy Storage
Dutch-based green hydrogen company H2SEA has completed a study showing that the costs for ESS (Energy Storage Systems) on offshore hydrogen platforms can be reduced by 75%.

H2SEA investigated different cost reduction scenarios for offshore green hydrogen production with a connection to an off-grid windfarm for the power supply.
Due to an extensive network of technology partners, H2SEA has access to accurate data of hydrogen building blocks. Different configurations have been evaluated, taking both grid stability and cost implications in mind.
One of the cost reduction strategies involves the integration of different transformers optimising space and cost per megavolt-amperes/m2, and the use of a smart ESS.
Further, a different configuration of the energy storage and electrolyser system can reduce infrastructure requirements.
One of the configurations that H2SEA has modelled, leads to a 75% decrease in costs of the ESS, which is quite a significant part of CAPEX investment, making green offshore hydrogen production a feasible economic option as renewable fuel in the future.