Wind Energy – Germany
Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has issued the results of the preliminary investigation of three areas in the North Sea which are planned to accommodate 5.5 GW of wind capacity.

With the issuance of the regulation, the agency affirmed the suitability of areas N-9.1, N-9.2, and N-9.3 in the German exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the North Sea for the construction of three wind farms. It also verified that these areas meet the requirements for tendering by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA). A tender is expected to be launched by March 1.
The N-9.1 zone, situated about 107 km off the coast of the German island of Borkum, encompasses an area of 158 square kilometres (61 square miles). This region can accommodate 2 GW of wind turbines.
Spanning an area of 157 square kilometres and located about 111 km from Borkum, the N-9.2 area is estimated to support a potential installed capacity of 2 GW.
The third area, known as N-9.3, covers 106 square kilometres and is situated some 108 km from Borkum. The planned wind park in this zone will have an installed capacity of 1.5 GW.
Meanwhile, Germany’s first offshore wind tender for 2024 is underway, seeking bids for two sites in the North Sea with a combined potential capacity of 2.5 GW. Unlike the three sites confirmed by the BSH, the two areas have not been pre-examined which means that their developers will have to independently conduct the necessary investigations and analysis of the marine environment, the subsoil and wind and oceanographic conditions.