Wind Energy – Jasmund Substation
The HSI Joint Venture consisting of HSM Offshore Energy, Smulders and Iv together with customer 50Hertz Transmission, recently celebrated the first deck lift and the start of erection phase towards the completion of the Jasmund substation.

The platform will be built at the HSI Stormpolder yard (Krimpen aan den Ijssel, the Netherlands), after which it will leave offshore for installation at the Windanker wind farm, north of the German town of Lubmin.
Jasmund substation has a capacity of 300 Megawatt; sufficient to generate an amount of green energy for approximately 260,000 German households annually.
HSM Offshore Energy, Smulders and Iv are responsible for the engineering, procurement, construction, transport & installation and commissioning of the substation and jacket in this 50Hertz project.