General – Appointment
Yesterday the Elia Group announced that Frédéric Dunon has been confirmed as Chief Executive Officer of the Belgian system operator Elia Transmission Belgium.

Frédéric Dunon has been serving as Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Elia Transmission Belgium since 1 November 2022.
Since a greater demarcation of tasks and activities between Elia Group and ETB was needed in light of the expansion of the latter’s portfolio of activities and clear goals, including in the field of offshore and digital business transformation, the Board of Directors decided to appoint Frédéric Dunon as Chief Executive Officer of Elia Transmission Belgium.
Frédéric has been with Elia for over 20 years, during which time he has held various operational and management positions. On 1 November 2022, Frédéric Dunon was appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Elia Transmission Belgium. He also heads up the Executive Management Board of Elia Transmission Belgium and is permanently invited to the meetings of the Executive Management Board of Elia Group.
“We are delighted to appoint Frédéric Dunon as Chief Executive Officer of Elia Transmission Belgium. He brings a wealth of expertise in the energy sector and a thorough knowledge of current societal developments in Belgium. The skills he has acquired in successive positions at Elia Transmission Belgium and other companies are of great value in fulfilling our role in society and we are pleased that he wants to shape the company’s future,” said Catherine Vandenborre, Interim Chief Executive Officer Elia Group and Chair of the Executive Management Board of Elia Transmission Belgium.