Fossil Energy – New Discovery
Neptune Energy and its partners today announced a new discovery at the Kyrre prospect and confirmed the volumes for the Ofelia appraisal well.
Both fields are located in the PL 929 licence, close to the Gjøa field in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.
Neptune has completed the Ofelia appraisal well, 35/6-4 ST2, in the Agat formation. The estimated recoverable volume is in the range of 16-33 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe).
In addition, the 35/6-4 A side-track was drilled into the overlying Kyrre prospect, resulting in a new gas discovery. Estimated recoverable resources are between 11-19 mmboe of gas, bringing the total recoverable volume from both discoveries to approximately 27-52 mmboe.
Located 23 kilometres north of the Neptune-operated Gjøa platform, Ofelia Agat and Kyrre will be considered for development as tie-backs to Gjøa. Neptune will also evaluate if the company’s oil and gas discovery Gjøa Nord (Hamlet), with estimated recoverable volumes between 8-24 mmboe, can be jointly developed.
The Gjøa platform is electrified with power from shore and produces at less than half the average carbon intensity of Norwegian Continental Shelf fields1.
Wells 35/6-4 ST2 & 35/6-4 A were drilled by the Deepsea Yantai, a semi-submersible rig, owned by CIMC and operated by Odfjell Drilling.