General – Cable Installation Vessel
Jan De Nul Group orders Fleeming Jenkin, an extra-large cable-laying vessel, at the CMHI Haimen shipyard in China.

With an unrivalled cable-carrying capacity of 28,000 tonnes, the vessel will serve the renewable energy and subsea cable industry in installing cables over longer distances and in deeper waters.
The vessel will be delivered in 2026.
Philippe Hutse, Director Offshore Energy Division at Jan De Nul Group: “We stand firm in our belief in the energy transition. Following our previous investments in the jack-up vessel Voltaire and crane vessel Les Alizés for the installation of the next-gen wind turbines and their foundations, we now proceed with this magnificent cable-laying vessel. Thanks to her unprecedented capabilities, Fleeming Jenkin will be a perfect fit for the interconnector and export cable markets.”
Jan De Nul’s offshore installation fleet will count four powerful and diverse cable-laying vessels, next to two offshore jack-up installation vessels, three floating crane installation vessels, five rock installation vessels and two multipurpose vessels.
Fleeming Jenkin will be equipped with three (3) cable carousels and a large hold for fibre optic cables, capable of laying up to four cables simultaneously. Two carousels are mounted on deck, with a third below deck.
The combined cable-carrying capacity amounts to 28,000 tonnes, which is double the capacity of any other cable-laying vessel on the market.
Water depths up to 3,000 metres and cable tensions up to 150 tonnes
Fleeming Jenkin will be equipped with a highly advanced dual exhaust filter system which removes up to 99% of nanoparticles from emissions using a diesel particulate filter (DPF) and a selective catalytic reduction system (SCR) for NOx removal. The ULEv system also significantly reduces exhaust gas pollutants.
The vessel is powered by engines that can run on biofuel and green methanol, confirmed by the Methanolfuel-dualfuel notation, which significantly reduce CO2 emissions.
The vessel is named after Henry Charles Fleeming Jenkin (1833-1885), born in England and a Regius Professor of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. As an electrical and cable engineer, Jenkin was an active pioneer in offshore cable installation.