Wind Energy – Collaboration Agreement
Lerwick Port Authority (LPA) has entered into its first collaboration agreement aimed at providing support for the development and operation of a major floating offshore wind farm.

It has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ESB, the Irish energy company which is proposing to build a 500MW floating offshore wind farm to the east of Shetland.
This agreement commits both organisations to work together to develop port solutions for delivering the offshore wind farm and ongoing operations and maintenance activities.
LPA chief executive Calum Grains said: “The agreement is a significant step in our drive to be a major support centre for the offshore wind industry. It will provide the framework to deliver the requirements of ESB’s wind farm and develop our comprehensive facilities, building on our decades of oil and gas experience. Our involvement will underpin our advancing plans for an Ultra-Deep-Water Quay and additional laydown at the deep-water Dales Voe Base which will service the energy sector.”