Wind Energy – Tenders for Dutch OWFs
Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) published the draft tenders and Wind Farm Site Decisions for IJmuiden Ver Alpha and IJmuiden Ver Beta, together 4 GW.

IJmuiden Ver Alpha (formerly I-II) and IJmuiden Ver Beta (formerly III-IV) are part of the IJmuiden Ver Wind Farm Zone (IJVWFZ), which also includes the IJmuiden Ver Gamma (formerly V-VI) site.
This wind zone is located 62 km off the west coast of the Netherlands in the Dutch North Sea. The total surface area of the sites within the zone (including the maintenance and safety zones) is approximately 650 kmĀ².
Available for inspection until 31 August
The draft site decisions (in Dutch) for IJmuiden Ver Alpha and Beta can be consulted digitally from today until Thursday 31 August 2023. During this period, views can be submitted. The Environmental Impact Reports (EIA) for both plots can also be viewed on the page.
All views will be assessed and taken into account in the final decision-making. Developers of offshore wind farms can apply for a permit for the development and operation of IJmuiden Ver Wind Farm Zone Sites Alpha and Beta. This will be done using the procedure of the comparative test with a financial offer.
Yesterday, the Minister for Climate and Energy published the 2 draft tender regulations. These contain information on the licensing of the construction and operation of the wind farms for sites Alpha and Beta.
The permit application period for the IJmuiden Ver Alpha and Beta sites is planned to run from February 29, 2024 to March 28, 2024, 5pm.
For both sites, authorisation shall be granted by applying the procedure of a comparative test with financial bid. Several criteria will be taken into account when making the decision to grant a permit, such as; compliance with the principles of international corporate social responsibility and the degree of understanding of raw material consumption, environmental impact and value retention in the design, construction, operation and disposal of the wind farm.
There also different criteria applicable for the two sites. For Alpha, the contribution of the wind farm to the ecosystem of the Dutch North Sea. For Beta; the contribution to the integration of the wind farm into the Dutch energy system and the contribution to reducing porpoise disturbance days during the construction phase of the wind farm.
The definitive tender regulations are expected to be published no later than the 4th quarter of 2023. An application period is planned in 2025 for the development of Site Gamma.