Wind Energy – Installation Innovation
UK-based SENSEWind, teaming up with Glosten for the SENSE PelaStar demonstration project in the UK, is happy to give you a first look into its innovative offshore concept.

The multi-phase SENSE PelaStar project will first install an onshore 2 MW turbine, with commissioning set for early 2024 to prove the SENSEWind installation technology.
Then the project will test a 15 MW PelaStar TLP foundation pull down system, developed to a level that can be taken rapidly into detailed design, manufacture and installation in 2027/2028, positioning SENSE PelaStar as a competitive technology for GW scale floating wind deployment.
The SENSEWind technology is also being scaled for 15 MW scale wind turbines.
Patrick Geraets CEO at SENSEWind, says there is solid engineering behind this technoloy.