Wind Energy – Survey Campaign US East Coast
TDI-Brooks was awarded a geophysical, geotechnical and benthic sampling survey campaigns to study seabed conditions within the project lease area and potential export cable corridors off the US East Coast.

The data collected will help determine safe and responsible project design and engineering along with identifying potential geohazards and benthic habitats.
This is the sixth offshore wind project awarded to TDI-Brooks in the past 2+ years.
TDI-Brooks expects to begin the program in April and will continue through summer 2023 with two to three vessels in operation.
The geotechnical component along cable routes and within lease blocks consist of deploying a variety of tools including their Feritech FT550 electric and TDI-Brooks designed pneumatic vibrocorer (pVC) systems along with their Datem Neptune 5,000 (N5K) and 3,000 (N3K) cone penetrometer test rigs (CPT).
Upon completion of the geotechnical vibracoring, all samples are sent to the TDI-Brooks’ ISO-certified geotechnical and environmental laboratories in College Station, Texas for testing. The geophysical projects consisted of side scan sonar, TVG magnetometer, multibeam, USBL, parametric subbottom profiler and 2D ultra high-resolution (UHR) with single and multi-channel seismic systems to provide detailed seabed and shallow sub-surface data.
The data generate supports the inter-array cables, route planning for project design via pre-lay route surveys, and survey works during cable lay, including as-built surveys for cable detection (depth of burial). Geophysical and hydrographic surveys ascertain seabed bathymetry, morphology, classification, marine habitats, and sub-seabed layers.