Wind Energy – Norway-Portugal collaboration
World leading test centre for floating wind technology METCentre in Norway has just signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Portuguese offshore wind key player WavEC.

The MOU was signed after Norway´s offshore wind organization Norwegian Offshore Wind visited Portuguese government and industry representatives earlier this month. Norwegian Offshore Wind represents more than 360 companies and is responsible for the METCentre.
This year, the Portuguese market has really picked up the speed to what appears to become a grand take-off. At the same time, we in Norway are moving forward with our offshore wind projects. Our two countries have many similarities that call for a close collaboration between offshore wind companies, and this MOU is an important first step, says manager of METCentre and Norwegian Offshore Wind, Arvid Nesse.
WavEC provides commercial services for wind farm developers and is shareholder of the Aguçadoura test site, which has been a central testing area in the development of offshore renewable technologies.