General – Conversion
Wagenborg Offshore from the Netherlands will convert a platform supply vessel into a multi-purpose offshore vessel.

The company has signed a long-term agreement with an energy major for the deployment of a multi-purpose offshore vessel, which will support subsea activities and decommissioning works in the southern North Sea.
The conversion is to take place within 34 weeks at the shipyard Royal Niestern Sander in Delfzijl. During this period, dozens of local employees will work on the innovative conversion of the ship.
The vessel will be equipped with an additional accommodation module for twenty people. Also, an active heave compensated crane will be installed to comply with all customer requirements.
The ship will also have an Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel (ERRV) class C notation enabling the vessel to perform emergency response and rescue duties.
By the end of Q2 2023 the vessel will be christened and the name will be revealed, after which it will commence its services on the Southern North Sea.