Wind Energy – Revival
Dutch companies Pondera and Rebel have signed a cooperation agreement with German development company M&M Renewables to support the development of the Hartel III wind project in the port of Rotterdam.

The project site Hartel III housed nine Siemens wind turbines since 2004. They were decommissioned at the end of their lifetimes by the former operator.
Rostock based M&M has taken the initiative to re-asses the site’s potential and explore new possibilities for wind turbines in close consultation with the Port of Rotterdam and a nearby industrial electricity consumer.
With this project, M&M aims to secure the use of wind energy at this place in the Europoort section of the harbour for the next decades.
Project initiator M&M approached Pondera and Rebel to guide the project through the next development steps. Both organisations have a solid track record in the port of Rotterdam. M&M will continue its involvement in the project. For Pondera and Rebel the type of technical and financial challenges in this project are appealing and both are looking forward to bring this special project to life.