Wind Energy – Germany
Germany has drawn up new development plans for offshore wind turbine sites to reach a target for 30 gigawatts (GW) of installed wind power capacity by 2030.

The plans by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) will ensure that the target can be met, the Economy Ministry said in a statement.
Moreover, there would be enough space for 40 GW by 2035, and possibly more than 10 GW on top of that by that date.
When the current government took power in late 2021, its coalition agreement stipulated 30 GW wind power, adding 10 GW to previous plans.
“The BSH plan, alongside our offshore agreement of November 2022 (with states and power grid operators), is another piece in our master plan to reach the high goals for the expansion of renewable energies,” Economy Minister Robert Habeck said to Reuters.
The plans represent a quadrupling of current capacity, which amounts to 8 GW.