Fossil Energy – Indonesia
MedcoEnergi is forging ahead with its Bronang field development on South Natuna Sea Block B offshore Indonesia and has invited companies to pre-qualify for the key engineering, procurement, construction and installation prize.

The EPCI workscope will involve production facilities including the Bronang gas wellhead platform, modifications to the Hang Tua mobile offshore gas production unit and the Belanak floating production, storage and offloading vessel, pipelines of up to 30 kilometres in length and reactivation of the subsea pipeline installed at the Bawal field.
Prospective bidders can be domestic or national companies or a consortium of local or local plus national players.
In July, Medco approached the market for subsea equipment including sub-surface safety valves, tubing, packer and liner for the Bronang satellite field development. This equipment supply comes with no local content requirement.
The operator earlier this year awarded Malaysia’s MTCEngineering in a consortium with Indonesian contractors Hanochem Tiaka Samudera and Cakra Bahana a five-year plus extension contract to supply the Forel FPSO.
Indonesia’s Synergy Engineering is understood to have performed the FEED work on the Forel FPSO and wellhead platform.