Wind Energy – Repair
N-Sea Group has completed a pre-emptive repair to one of four 132,000 volt export circuits owned and operated by the Gwynt y Môr OFTO, providing the export connection between the Gwynt y Môr Wind Farm and the onshore UK transmission system.

The pre-emptive repair was the second stage of a repair to SSEC3 that saw circa 7.5km of submarine cable replaced.
Gwynt y Môr is a 576-Megawatt offshore wind farm located off the coast of North Wales. The wind farm has 160 wind turbines of 150 metres tip height above mean sea level.
The repair was executed with the Neptune NP459, a versatile, multi-purpose pontoon of 82.5 metres in length, a beam of 27 metres and a depth of six metres.